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The logistics of a 'bossless' workplace; dated security practices endanger companies

Imagine never having to report to a boss or supervisor again. Sounds great, right? Well, not all the employees at Zappos think so. The company’s controversial new holacracy system enforces self-management instead of boss supervision and has led to a mini employee exodus. In this two-part Q&A, Senior News Writer Nicole Laskowski talks with Rod Collins of Optimity Advisors about what it means in practical terms to go bossless and how CIOs can flatten their IT organization.

With so many sophisticated cyberthreats out there, companies can’t afford to act based on outdated security assumptions or traditions. In this week’s Searchlight, Site Editor Fran Sales details cybersecurity advice from experts at this year’s MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. Plus: SAP dismisses Salesforce acquisition talk and top banks plead guilty to federal crimes.

Grappling with customer-facing processes and rapid digitization? BPM tools can help, according to Deloitte’s Craig White. SearchITChannel Site Editor John Moore recently caught up with White to discuss BPM tools and their effect on CIOs and business processes.

In this opinion piece, get SearchCIO Expert Niel Nickolaisen’s take on the data centers of the future and who should be operating them.

Over on SearchCompliance, this Q&A with IGI founder Barclay T. Blair explores the Information Governance Initiative and why companies must start considering the chief information governance officer (CIGO) role to maximize information as an asset.

Finally, why should CIOs care about the mobile payment movement? Join SearchCIO’s #CIOChat Wednesday, May 27, at 3 p.m. to discuss the how mobile payments will impact CIOs and the enterprise. See you there!

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