device ID (device identification)

By Kinza Yasar

What is a device ID (device identification)?

A device ID (device identification) is an anonymous string of numbers and letters that uniquely identifies a mobile device such as a smartphone, tablet or smartwatch.

Stored inside a mobile device, it's typically used to refer to a device's model. Mobile apps and programs frequently retrieve the device ID while interacting with servers to identify themselves.

What are device IDs used for?

Device IDs play an important role in unique device identification. The following are some use cases of device IDs:

It's important to note that device IDs can be restricted in not being connected to personally identifying information (PII) in order to follow consumer privacy laws.

How do device IDs work?

When an app is initially launched, it sends the device's mobile operating system a request for access to the device ID code. Once permission is granted to the app, it performs a straightforward function call to retrieve the device ID.

Both Apple iOS devices and Android smartphones use device IDs in essentially the same way. For instance, if an iOS or Android device user reads through their Facebook feed and clicks on an advertisement for a new app, they will be taken to the Apple App Store or Google Play.

The software development kit (SDK) will normally install the app after it has been downloaded. Then it will run a match of the device's ID to a view ID to give the ad credit for the app install.

Types of device IDs

Device IDs are stored on the mobile device and are separate from hardware serial numbers which are assigned by the device manufacturer to identify a device and can be used for inventory purposes.

The most popular device IDs include the Google Advertiser ID (GAID) for Android devices and Apple's IDFA for iOS devices. The following is a list of most commonly used device identifiers:

How do I find my device ID?

The method of finding a device id can vary as it depends on the type of device or operating system used.

Finding device ID on an iPhone

Finding device ID on an Android phone

Depending on the operating system, getting the device ID on a tablet would be similar to doing so on an iPhone or Android device.

Personally identifiable data encompasses a broad range of data elements, including identification numbers. Learn how to protect sensitive data by adhering to data anonymization best practices.

13 Mar 2023

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