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What's behind the attack on USPS security?

Another week, another security breach. This time the U.S. Postal Service was the victim and experts speculate Chinese hackers were the culprits. The interesting aspect of this breach is that it’s not clear what the hackers were after. Ultimately, it just solidifies the fact that if you are connected to the Internet you are vulnerable.

And let’s be real, we are all connected to the Internet.

So how can companies fortify their defenses? Channel the military, writes Associate Site Editor Fran Sales in this week’s Searchlight news roundup column. More precisely, prepare your organization for “left of boom,” a military term that means to be so well prepared for a bomb’s explosion (or in the case of CIOs, a cyberattack) that it is possible to prevent it from happening or at least contain the damage. Another pointer? Cybersecurity can’t just be IT’s responsibility; it needs to be deeply integrated throughout the organization. But this organization-wide security mindset will still require some tough decisions on the part of CIOs, according to Sales’ reporting, including deciding when it is worth disrupting business processes to effectively protect sensitive information.

In other news this week: President Obama is front and center in the net neutrality debate; IBM found a critical flaw in Microsoft’s Windows and Office software but only went public with the discovery this week; a video of a karate fighting robot developed by Google’s wholly owned subsidiary Boston Dynamics is making the rounds online, and more in this week’s Searchlight.

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