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Law and Order: Hacker Protection Unit

Every week, we scour the wealth of information on the blog circuit and give you the finer talking points to help you score erudite points around the Twitter water cooler. Here’s the latest sampling from last week’s blog posts, including the latest from the Black Hat conference, lessons in personality and personal space, and why it might be a good time to give your hacker protection a checkup.

How is your hacker protection? Last week, the Black Hat 2011 conference in Las Vegas drew thousands of security professionals. Meanwhile, the hacker groups LulzSec and Anonymous broke into 70 law enforcement websites. Anonymous also hit Syria’s Ministry of Defense website. What a world, what a world.

Midmarket companies are dealing with significantly more IT risk, making safety measures crucial for the concerned CIO.

Forget about reviewing prospective job candidates’ résumés — ask to see a photo of their workspace instead.

We all know that the best communicators use nonverbal communication, including using body language and personal space to their advantage. Some think it’s part of the reason that women and men have different styles in the boardroom.

For all those CIOs who use Gmail either personally or professionally, your life just got a little better — Gmail now supports a preview pane. Aw, yeah.

Seth Godin looks at the Palm example as a lesson about when a company needs to make the giant leap — or fall flat on its face.

Watch Google Chrome get hacked in real time. Lest you think hacker protection is all about information security, think again. Between the text hacking of Subaru Outback cars, this 10-year-old hacker, and this guy who claims he can hack into insulin pumps and kill people long-distance, just who is going to rock us to sleep tonight?

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